Our Vision and Mission

Safari4u’s Pre-Vet Programme is a tourist funded programme to give pre-vet students, or anyone interested in animals, conservation or the veterinary field, the opportunity to work with animals in an African veterinary setting. The Pre-Vet Programme consists of three main components – Small Animal Practice, Large Animal Practice, and Wildlife and Game Capture.

All of Safari4u’s Programmes have the following priorities which are, but not excluded to:

- Welfare of the animal
- Safety of students and staff
- Education of students
- Needs of the community
- A Memorable experience for students

Safari4u will not consciously participate in any activity that involves the mistreatment of animals, or future mistreatment of animals. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as lion cub petting, unauthorised hunting and/ or poaching activities, any activity in which the animal is utilised purely for the entertainment of people.

Safari4u will assist within their means, and not extend past those. Unfortunately this may mean suggesting care at a facility better equipped to deal with the case in question. Safari4u is only able to assist physically with cases and is unable to assist individuals financially.

The future vision for Safari4u is to expand within the community to offer further opportunities for students to experience more during their visits. We hope to expand our spay and neuter programme under Wild Coast Community Vet so that it has established population control so that a vaccination project can be commenced for the benefit of student learning as well as the local community and the greater area in the long term.

Owner and Manager